Combat chaos traps in the house - hot spots

Hot Spots

Everyone knows them: the little corners in the house where there is always something lying around and chaos reigns. We call them "Hot Spots". They are nothing more than a specific place that always tends to accumulate objects and where things are often put away first. There are a few simple tips to ban these annoying spots from our everyday life for good.

Porządki w domu
Porządki w domu

There are just a few places in the home that seem to have a certain magical attraction to things. They just tend to become chaos traps more often than other places. The most typical place are chests of drawers in the entrance area. Everything collects here, from car keys and letters to pictures the children have painted themselves. But stacks of mail and magazines are also often found on the dining table. The best known is and remains the “chair” for clothing. But the stairs are also a popular place where things can be quickly put down that, for example, should go from bottom to top. Most of the time you think "I don't have time for that right now" or "I'll clear that up later". But then the problem is often that as soon as one place is full, you simply continue at another place and put things there and suddenly the whole apartment is littered with "hot spots". Unfortunately, this quickly leaves an untidy overall impression and nobody really wants that.

With these 5 tips you will finally get rid of your hot spots:

1. Identify all hot spots
First you have to get an overview of where exactly those places are that often become hot spots. It is also important that this is checked from time to time, because new hot spots can always form.
2. Clean up all hot spots once
This works best with the help of garbage bags or large boxes. All things are banished into the sacks with a tug and then placed at a collection point. This can be, for example, the basement, the garage or utility room.
3. Define fixed places
Each sack should now be looked through individually to see what things are gathering at the hot spots. Then it is important to find a fixed place for each part, eg a fixed tray for all keys, a holder for all letters and paperwork or just a specific place in a specific shelf or drawer. Some things do not need a fixed place and are not needed at all? All the better.
4. Always put things away straight away
Consistency is now required. So that new chaos and hot spots don't arise again, you should rigorously stick to not putting anything away "just for a moment" somewhere so that you can put it away later. Because then everything starts all over again. Whether the part is placed here or directly in its place does not really save time. Tip: Do things that need to be done in less than 1 minute directly!
5. Decorate former hot spot
In addition, to avoid the formation of new hot spots, you can use the space for a decorative, valuable item such as a picture frame, a vase or a small work of art.

Hot spots
Hot spots